Whatever is bodering your mind...
send someone for mission

Missionary Society

Join us in our mission to send and support missionaries across the globe! Our GLOGM missionaries are dedicated to leading people to Jesus and sharing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit with souls everywhere. You have the opportunity to be a vital part of this global movement, bringing hope and spreading the love of Christ to those in need. Let us help you harness your unique gifts to make a real difference and save souls around the world.

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Bible Questions

Twenty years ago, a passionate group of missionaries embarked on a noble mission to share the Bible with people all over the world. They saw a profound need for guidance and support, allowing individuals to ask their biblical questions and receive immediate, thoughtful answers. Today, this mission is more vibrant than ever; we have joyfully answered countless questions and distributed over 10,000 Bibles across the globe. We firmly believe that the Bible offers solutions to all life’s inquiries, and we are committed to helping you uncover those answers. Join us in this transformative journey!

Ask any question

Use this section to ask any question that has been bordering your mind.

Whatever is bodering your mind...
send someone for mission