And I give unto them eternal life; they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:28)
The life of God that we receive through Christ is an extraordinary and profound reality that surpasses our earthly comprehension. To possess everlasting life means to embrace the very essence of God, which includes receiving His spirit. This gift assures us that no force can remove the spirit of God from our lives; it reflects the tremendous investment God has made in us and His unwavering commitment to protect us from perishing.
Each individual who has the spirit of God is regarded as a precious treasure in His eyes. This divine treasure signifies that God Himself is actively watching over you, providing a protective barrier that prevents you from being lured back into the chaos of the world. Jesus powerfully asserts in the scripture that “no man shall pluck them out of my hand,” which emphasizes the unique and unparalleled protection afforded to those who carry the life of God within them.
This assurance is not just a promise; it is a profound declaration of our identity as His children. We are transformed to reflect His image and likeness, meaning that even while we inhabit this earth, we hold citizenship and belonging in His heavenly kingdom. The most essential possession we can have in this life is the life of God itself. If you have embraced this divine life, take comfort in knowing that you are secure in God’s embrace.
He will never abandon you nor forsake you; He will empower you to stand out in a crowd and make His presence known through you.
As you engage with this message, may the spirit of God descend upon you, bringing you into a season of manifestation filled with His glory, which is divinely safeguarded by Him.
4 February, 2025
You are a cherished treasure of God
And I give unto them eternal life; they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:28)
The life of God that we receive through Christ is an extraordinary and profound reality that surpasses our earthly comprehension. To possess everlasting life means to embrace the very essence of God, which includes receiving His spirit. This gift assures us that no force can remove the spirit of God from our lives; it reflects the tremendous investment God has made in us and His unwavering commitment to protect us from perishing.
Each individual who has the spirit of God is regarded as a precious treasure in His eyes. This divine treasure signifies that God Himself is actively watching over you, providing a protective barrier that prevents you from being lured back into the chaos of the world. Jesus powerfully asserts in the scripture that “no man shall pluck them out of my hand,” which emphasizes the unique and unparalleled protection afforded to those who carry the life of God within them.
This assurance is not just a promise; it is a profound declaration of our identity as His children. We are transformed to reflect His image and likeness, meaning that even while we inhabit this earth, we hold citizenship and belonging in His heavenly kingdom. The most essential possession we can have in this life is the life of God itself. If you have embraced this divine life, take comfort in knowing that you are secure in God’s embrace.
He will never abandon you nor forsake you; He will empower you to stand out in a crowd and make His presence known through you.
As you engage with this message, may the spirit of God descend upon you, bringing you into a season of manifestation filled with His glory, which is divinely safeguarded by Him.