13 February, 2025

God’s abundant provision for His children is unwavering and guaranteed.

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Matthew 6:33 instructs us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all our necessities will be provided. Jesus once again stresses the importance of wanting the Spirit of God and not just worldly necessities.

In Matthew 6:25, he says we should not worry about the things of life because there is more to life than food and clothing. As allegorical as these teachings are sometimes presented, they emphasize a deep truth. If we are gifted with the Holy Spirit, we are restored to the condition of Adam in the Garden of Eden, where all our needs are met gratuitously. In God’s kingdom, where all who bear his Spirit dwell, there is no room for anxiety.

We must prioritize serving the Lord, and he will take care of our individual needs. Most, however, pursue material things, never realizing the unlimited power and provision in God’s Spirit.


Thank you, Father in heaven, for the abundant supply you have provided for me through your spirit. I believe that all of my physical needs are taken care of. I request your guidance to walk in the spirit, granting me the capacity to receive my inheritance.


13 February, 2025

God’s abundant provision for His children is unwavering and guaranteed.

Matthew 6:33 instructs us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all our necessities will be provided. Jesus once again stresses the importance of wanting the Spirit of God and not just worldly necessities.

In Matthew 6:25, he says we should not worry about the things of life because there is more to life than food and clothing. As allegorical as these teachings are sometimes presented, they emphasize a deep truth. If we are gifted with the Holy Spirit, we are restored to the condition of Adam in the Garden of Eden, where all our needs are met gratuitously. In God’s kingdom, where all who bear his Spirit dwell, there is no room for anxiety.

We must prioritize serving the Lord, and he will take care of our individual needs. Most, however, pursue material things, never realizing the unlimited power and provision in God’s Spirit.


Thank you, Father in heaven, for the abundant supply you have provided for me through your spirit. I believe that all of my physical needs are taken care of. I request your guidance to walk in the spirit, granting me the capacity to receive my inheritance.

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