Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work (John 4:34)
Life’s journey requires properly identifying a strong purpose for one’s life. In John 6:38, Jesus teaches us this fact clearly as he declares, “For I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me.” His words sound with deep conviction as he emphasizes how one’s life must be in line with a higher purpose. Jesus was well aware of the purpose for which He was sent, highlighting the gravity of the task set before Him.
Each person has particular reasons for living, and these reasons significantly affect various areas of life. They affect one’s thoughts, manner of dressing, walking style, usual hangouts, circle of friends, and everything else. If your goal is to gain the approval of others, you might find yourself doing what they want, seeking validation in their appreciation. But this can lead to a life controlled by others’ opinions.
Jesus, in John 4:34, emphasizes that His very nature is closely related to doing the Father’s will and completing His divine work. Commitment is most critical; if you embark on the work of the Lord, you should keep seeking that calling with unshakeable commitment. Trust that God will never abandon you; thus, there is no justification for abandoning your faith in Him. Having received His spirit, you are under His divine protection that empowers you to endure the tribulations of the world. The scripture in 1 Corinthians 6:17 holds a beautiful truth: when one unites with the Lord, he or she is one spirit with Him.
This close union signifies a true partnership with God and thereby opens humans to the limitless wealth that was stored in His spirit. Existing for a reason makes life a heavenly collaboration between God’s children and Himself, charting a path to rescue lost souls from darkness. This intentional being manifests itself similar to a rich tapestry, filled with meaning and driven by the light of divine love.
Thank you, Jesus, for the unique partnership we share. I recognize the importance of fulfilling God’s will until the end. It is my heartfelt prayer to remain faithful to Him in all my endeavors. Guide me in accomplishing this from today. Amen.
17 February, 2025
A truly fulfilling life is one driven by purpose
Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work (John 4:34)
Life’s journey requires properly identifying a strong purpose for one’s life. In John 6:38, Jesus teaches us this fact clearly as he declares, “For I came down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me.” His words sound with deep conviction as he emphasizes how one’s life must be in line with a higher purpose. Jesus was well aware of the purpose for which He was sent, highlighting the gravity of the task set before Him.
Each person has particular reasons for living, and these reasons significantly affect various areas of life. They affect one’s thoughts, manner of dressing, walking style, usual hangouts, circle of friends, and everything else. If your goal is to gain the approval of others, you might find yourself doing what they want, seeking validation in their appreciation. But this can lead to a life controlled by others’ opinions.
Jesus, in John 4:34, emphasizes that His very nature is closely related to doing the Father’s will and completing His divine work. Commitment is most critical; if you embark on the work of the Lord, you should keep seeking that calling with unshakeable commitment. Trust that God will never abandon you; thus, there is no justification for abandoning your faith in Him. Having received His spirit, you are under His divine protection that empowers you to endure the tribulations of the world. The scripture in 1 Corinthians 6:17 holds a beautiful truth: when one unites with the Lord, he or she is one spirit with Him.
This close union signifies a true partnership with God and thereby opens humans to the limitless wealth that was stored in His spirit. Existing for a reason makes life a heavenly collaboration between God’s children and Himself, charting a path to rescue lost souls from darkness. This intentional being manifests itself similar to a rich tapestry, filled with meaning and driven by the light of divine love.
Thank you, Jesus, for the unique partnership we share. I recognize the importance of fulfilling God’s will until the end. It is my heartfelt prayer to remain faithful to Him in all my endeavors. Guide me in accomplishing this from today. Amen.