3 March, 2025

God’s unparalleled power resides within you.

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Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Ephessians 3:20)

The word translated as power in the above scripture comes from the Greek word “Dunamis,” signifying a strong force that aids in performing miracles. It embodies the essence of abundance, strength, and courage.

God’s power is manifested on earth solely through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus stated in Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power; after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” For the children of God, the only source of power is the Holy Spirit.

Some Christians may not fully grasp the true nature of God’s power. They often retreat to high mountains and isolated places for days, misguidedly seeking this power. This misunderstanding can lead them astray.

However, God’s power is more than just signs and wonders; it encompasses the totality of the Holy Spirit’s operation. This divine force empowers individuals to walk in the ways of the Lord and fuels the lives of everyone who receives it. God’s power illuminates the darkness, freeing people from sin and delivering them from Satan’s bondage to bring them closer to God.

The full experience of God’s power can vary based on each person’s personality and understanding of this divine force. Children of God are encouraged to maintain consistent devotion with the Spirit within to truly experience this power. Evidently, this power transforms everything—be it addiction, struggles, sickness, or any other challenge. As demonstrated in Genesis 1:3, “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light,” the power of God makes all things possible. (Romans 4:17-18)

When empowered by this divine force, everything you do or say reflects the mind of God, ensuring that nothing you declare shall fail. This means that children of God possess the authority to command circumstances to change.

It is essential to recognize the many powers that exist in the world. Yet, God’s power directs itself toward the salvation and deliverance of the afflicted, healing the nations, and bringing forth goodness. The power of God imparts wisdom and the knowledge of Christ, equipping every child of God with insight and understanding.

Children of God inherently possess this power as part of their nature; it is the normal life lived by those filled with the Spirit of God. With this power, they also carry the knowledge of their divine capabilities. Just as the Voodoo priests are well aware of what their gods can do, so too must you recognize the incredible abilities within you through the Spirit of God.


3 March, 2025

God’s unparalleled power resides within you.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Ephessians 3:20)

The word translated as power in the above scripture comes from the Greek word “Dunamis,” signifying a strong force that aids in performing miracles. It embodies the essence of abundance, strength, and courage.

God’s power is manifested on earth solely through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus stated in Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power; after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” For the children of God, the only source of power is the Holy Spirit.

Some Christians may not fully grasp the true nature of God’s power. They often retreat to high mountains and isolated places for days, misguidedly seeking this power. This misunderstanding can lead them astray.

However, God’s power is more than just signs and wonders; it encompasses the totality of the Holy Spirit’s operation. This divine force empowers individuals to walk in the ways of the Lord and fuels the lives of everyone who receives it. God’s power illuminates the darkness, freeing people from sin and delivering them from Satan’s bondage to bring them closer to God.

The full experience of God’s power can vary based on each person’s personality and understanding of this divine force. Children of God are encouraged to maintain consistent devotion with the Spirit within to truly experience this power. Evidently, this power transforms everything—be it addiction, struggles, sickness, or any other challenge. As demonstrated in Genesis 1:3, “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light,” the power of God makes all things possible. (Romans 4:17-18)

When empowered by this divine force, everything you do or say reflects the mind of God, ensuring that nothing you declare shall fail. This means that children of God possess the authority to command circumstances to change.

It is essential to recognize the many powers that exist in the world. Yet, God’s power directs itself toward the salvation and deliverance of the afflicted, healing the nations, and bringing forth goodness. The power of God imparts wisdom and the knowledge of Christ, equipping every child of God with insight and understanding.

Children of God inherently possess this power as part of their nature; it is the normal life lived by those filled with the Spirit of God. With this power, they also carry the knowledge of their divine capabilities. Just as the Voodoo priests are well aware of what their gods can do, so too must you recognize the incredible abilities within you through the Spirit of God.

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